Saturday, March 19, 2016


For my film I've decided that it is going to be about a family and where they live. Because this project is only an introduction to a film, I will be introducing each character individually with clues in the scene to let audiences know what they are like. I think that the family in this movie is going to consist of a mother, father and son. I may chose to add more characters to the piece as I go along but for now I am happy with only three. I don't want to focus only on characterization for my piece as I want setting to be a large part of my film as well. The setting will largely impact my characters and I want the that to be the focus of my piece. That is why it would be best for the opening to be a smooth succession of character scenes vs. setting. I want to allow my scenes to seamlessly combine although they are different in nature. This upcoming week I will start filming the setting scenes. For the setting I am trying to capture a struggling neighborhood. I plan to film buildings that are still in construction, older broken houses that would typically be a part of a poorer neighborhood. This will allow me to introduce the idea that the place in which my characters live has an effect on them.  Below is a picture that gives an idea of the kind of building that I want to have in my piece. This one is not old or broken but it does tell about the kind of neighborhood that it is in. The grass is not trimmed and there are leaves that have not been raked in front of the concrete. These unpolished details are typically present in poor neighborhoods. Therefore, by filming in a setting like this one I will be able to show the world in which my characters live. 

"MS, Lower Class House, Los Angeles, California, USA." Gettyimages. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.

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